Since a long time it is well-known that natural zeolites, due to their chemical-physical properties, can be managed in animal feeding. The addition of this mineral, also in very low dosage (1-2%), enhances very important functions, never recorded in other natural substances. ZEOFOOD, our high zeolite content product, accomplishes the following :
Recent experiments and several applications have proved that the use of natural zeolites in a modern conception of agriculture, according to the forthcoming European ecological regulations, is able to develop a role of primary importance as soil amendment and in cultural substrata having low cationic exchange capacity (C.E.C.) and scarce water retention. ZEOGREEN, our zeolite product for ecological agriculture, can be used in floriculture-horticulture and in garden hobby line for the following properties:
Considering the importance of the properties of zeolites
in environmental fields, our company in the last few years is trying
to focuse its attention on the following experimental activities: TREATMENT OF NATURAL WATERS: Chabazite can be used as a low cost natural mineral support for the abatement of Fe and Mn, as pre-treatment to successive processes such as exchange, oxidation and adsorption. TREATMENT OF TANNERY WASTES: The removal of ammonium from tannery wastes by means of natural zeolites, can be achieved both by treatments on fixed zeolitic bed or by direct addition of zeolite to the waste. Since in this latter case the adsorption of ammonia (NH4+), requires considerable addition of zeolites, we are trying to solve the problem of huge mud production and/or to study a hypothesis of recycle of the same muds. Better results were achieved by column treatment which allows the regeneration of exhausted zeolitic material, with its subsequent recycle. TREATMENT OF ORGANIC WASTEWATERS: Many attempts have been carried out to use chabazite-phillipsite zeolites for the adsorption, in dissolved and colloidal form, of organic and nitrogen pollutant from wastewaters of small and medium productive settlement as houses, restaurants, hotels, etc, after primary treatments such as Imhoff tanks. The surface porosity of zeolitite grains allows the settlement and the best reproduction of microorganisms (mineral bio-support) that develop the function of biological depuration through degradation of the pollutants. REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS: The high affinity of chabazite towards some polluting cations promoted researches on the use of this zeolite in the treatment of Pb –bearing wastes. Tests carried out in presence of possible interfering cations such as Na, gave positive indications. Chabazite showed good affinity towards other heavy metals such as Cd and Cu. GAS SEPARATION: Experimental tests proved that previously thermally activated chabazite, is able to selectively remove from CO2 – and inert gas-bearing mixtures undesired substances such as SO2 . In order to prevent a break-down of the zeolite framework and the consequent reduction of its selectivity, it is necessary to use anhydrous gases. |
G. Apostolico & C. Tanagro s.n.c. Stabilimento e Uffici : Via Spennata - Fraz. Gallo - 80030 Comiziano (NA) - Italia - Sede Legale : Via Indipendenza, 105 - 84015 Nocera Superiore (SA) - Italia - Tel. +39 081 8235311 - Fax +39 081 5122565 info@atzzeoliti.it - marketing@atzzeoliti.it |